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Product Liability Lawyers in Hampton Roads / Virginia Beach, VA

Dangerous or defective products cause thousands of injuries to consumers every year in the United States and in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Typically, product liability claims are based on theories of negligence, strict liability, breach of contract, breach of warranty or guaranty, or under the Uniform Commercial Code.

Under Virginia law, a product must be reasonably safe for its intended purposes and for its reasonably foreseeable uses. However, products are not required to be designed or produced with features representing the ultimate in safety. They simply must be reasonably safe.

If a product is inherently dangerous and the danger is not obvious, the seller must adequately warn of the foreseeable risks of using the product. If the supplier fails to warn of the foreseeable risks, a claim can be brought against the seller for the failure to warn. However, there is no duty to warn of an obvious danger.

Many products come with express warranties. In some circumstances, statements made about the quality or characteristics of a product in advertising literature, websites or sales negotiations will be deemed to be an express warranty. If you are harmed by a product because of a feature that did not live up to its warranty, you may have a valid products liability claim. In addition in most situations, a warranty implies the product is reasonably safe for its intended use and other reasonably foreseeable purposes. If a product is sold in an unreasonably dangerous condition, then there is a breach of this implied warranty and you may have a valid products liability claim against the seller.

Settlements for Dangerous Products in: Newport News, Hampton, Williamsburg, Yorktown, Suffolk, Southampton, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake and all of Virginia

Virginia law requires a buyer to notify the seller of any product defect within a reasonable time after the buyer discovers, or should have discovered, the defect. Therefore, you should not delay in hiring a lawyer if you believe you were injured by a defective product. This requirement does not apply to non-purchasers of the product who are injured by the product.

In Virginia, a person injured by a defective product usually has two years from the date of injury to file a lawsuit. If a lawsuit is filed after that time it may be dismissed by the Court for being filed too late. There are several exceptions to this two year statute of limitations. For example, if the injured person is a child or is mentally incompetent, the period for bringing suit may be extended. It is best to contact a product liability attorney as soon as possible after an injury to determine the length of time available to file a lawsuit.

Lawsuits brought against companies who have designed, manufactured, distributed, or sold products are extraordinarily complex. Products liability cases involve complex scientific and technical matters requiring a thorough understanding of the law which applies and the science and technology involved in the design and manufacturing processes.

Product liability actions are often quite complex, and establishing legal fault requires the assistance of an attorney.

If you or a loved one was injured as a result of a defective or dangerous product, contact BREIT LAW PC. At BREIT LAW, we are experienced in representing the victims of defective or dangerous products and in helping victims recover compensation for their injuries.


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